Supply Chain & Supplier Verification Management
The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) has many new requirements that impact food manufacturers in all areas. A key component of the new FSMA legislation is Supply Chain and Supplier Verification Management.
Supply Chain and Supplier Verification Management
Manex’s Supply Chain and Supplier Verification Management Training helps you establish the correct verification processes so that your production processes are compliant with the FSMA legislation and its guidelines on Supply Chain and Supplier Verification Management. Many food manufacturers believe that their onsite Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) and Food Safety Plan will satisfy supply chain verification guidelines as mandated by the FSMA legislation, however this is not correct. Manex’s Supply Chain and Supplier Verification Management training can help you establish the required verification mechanisms for your organization for the critical areas of the FSMA highlighted below.
Requirements for Approval:
- Food Safety Plan
- GMP (Maintenance, Prerequisites & Quality)
- Performance Measures
- Corrective Actions
Approved Supplier:
- Hazard Analysis at Each Process Step & Preventive Controls
- Written Supplier Verification Program
- Supplier Performance

FSMA Legislation
According to the new FSMA legislation, there are two key areas that food manufacturers must address in order to be compliant with the new guidelines when managing their supply chain and conducting supplier verification when receiving food products or ingredients from their suppliers. FSMA legislation states:
(1) ‘Another entity in the supply chain, such as a broker or distributor, can conduct supplier verification activities, but the receiving facility must review and assess that broker/distributor entity’s documentation of the verification of control of the hazard.’
(2) ‘Approved suppliers are those approved by the receiving facility after a consideration of factors that include a hazard analysis of the food, manufactured by the entity that will be controlling that hazard, and supplier performance. Companies must have a written program to explain their supplier verification program, which includes what is being done to ensure the supplier follows the plan and performs to the stated requirements.’
Our Approach
Manex provides a three-day Supply Chain and Supplier Management Workshop to train manufacturers how to:
- Understand the FSMA requirements beyond a Food Safety Plan
- Integrate and format your prepared Food Safety Plan per process step with GMP activities
- Select and apply media type to efficiently fulfill supply chain and supplier verification
- Group supplier/receiving facility role-play of documentation content and management