Leader in coil springs, fourslide stampings, precision progressive stampings and CNC wireforming.

Client Business Need

Scandic’s clients are requesting that they acquire ISO 9001 certification to maintain their current business and to be awarded future contracts.  Additionally, Scandic is looking for ways of becoming Lean, in particular with their high-running product lines.


Scandic approached Manex in 2011 to implement the following projects:

  • Element 1 – the creation of a Value Stream Map of their current operations for one high-production product family.
  • Element 2 – the creation of an ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, resulting in ISO 9001 certification.
  • Element 3 – the facilitation of two Practical Problem Solving (Kaizen) Events geared towards improving the Value Stream as mapped out in Element 1.

Our process included:

  • Value Stream Map of the current state and development of the future state and roadmap for improvements
  • Complete ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System creation and compliance training for key personnel
  • Using the DMAIC process to address changeover reduction and cosmetic quality problems

Results Delivered

  • Current and Future State Value Stream Maps created, with 16 specific improvement actions identified, two of which became Kaizen Events
  • ISO 9001:2008* certification achieved in June 2013 enabling Scandic to both maintain and win new business with key accounts (*Scandic has since achieved 9001:2015 certification.)
  • Changeover Reduction Kaizen Event resulted in purchasing a new 165 ton servo punch press
  • Cosmetic Quality Kaizen Event utilized a four-factor Design of Experiments, resulting in creating a new process for in-process product cleaning for a high production product family.  This cleaning process has been so successful that it is now used to eliminate the occurrence of similar cosmetic quality issues on a wide variety of products at Scandic.
  • Increased sales by $1.1 million
  • Retained current clients and associated sales of approximately $.5 million
  • Realized substantial cost savings

Business success is our goal with every project. Read client success stories.