Manex uses a holistic, proven approach to help you reap the full benefits from Practical Problem Solving (PPS).
PPS eliminates and minimizes non-conformance, which leads to immediate cost savings and quality improvements. In most cases, quality and non-conformance issues can be corrected in 3 days or less. Manex follows the proven 6 Sigma approach of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC). PPS yields significant, sustained results by installing a team approach to problem resolution. Manex enables employees to understand the foundational approach to identifying, analyzing and resolving problems through our proven, Teach the Concept, Prove the Concept and Implement the Concept to employees on the shop floor.
- Initial problem perception
- Problem is identified
- Problem may not be well understood
- Description of problem may be vague
- Develop problem definition
- Clearly define the “real” problem
- Understand the standard
- Discover the deviation
- Understand the severity of the issue
- Locate point of cause
- Walk through the process to find the POC
- When and where the problem is occurring
- Who is involved
- Duration and frequency of problem
- Identify root cause(s) Develop and deploy the countermeasure
- Investigation of the root cause
- Utilization and analysis – problem solving tools: Cause/Effect, Pareto Analysis, Process Flow, 5Why
- Develop and deploy the countermeasure
- Temporarily contain the problem
- Evaluate the countermeasure
- Follow-up to ensure countermeasure was effective
- Standardize the countermeasure
- Control and monitor results
- Countermeasure becomes the standard
- Educating the workforce is critical

Once the PPS process is successfully completed, the results are used to develop a proactive approach to prevent the re-occurrence of the problem.
Advanced control methods are employed including poka-yoke/mistake proofing, standardized work and FMEA programs to name a few, that are used to identify the critical points in the process in which the problem occurred. Manex employs the A3 report as the summary document for each phase of the DMAIC and PPS process. The A3 report is an industry recognized vehicle used to document each phase of the process.
Some of the items captured in the A3 report are:
- Problem Definition
- Scope of the Problem
- Nature of Impact
- Containment Action Taken
- Potential Root Causes and Symptoms
- The Root Cause
- Current State of the Process
- Desired Future State of the Process
- Corrective Actions
- Effort vs. Impact Matrix to Prioritize the Corrective Actions
- Roadmap for the Implementation of Corrective Actions
- Projected vs. Actual Savings Tracker
- Lessons Learned, etc.
- Address the TRUE root cause and not the symptom of the problem
- Eliminate the recurrence of the problem
- Enhance first-pass yield
- Decrease rework, rejects and warranty costs
- Improve employee morale
- Enhance customer satisfaction
Call Manex to find out more.
Our Practical Problem Solving projects result in more than 600% ROI – that’s a $6 return for every $1 dollar invested in these projects.