Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) provide basic operating conditions and minimal hygienic requirements for the production of safe food and pharmaceuticals.

GMPs are internationally recognized and originate from Codex Alimentarius guidelines for any product to be ingested by people. GMPs form the pre-requisite foundation of a HACCP-based food safety system. You need to implement robust GMP procedures prior to developing and implementing a HACCP plan.

By following GMPs, you control the risks of introducing safety hazards to people ingesting your products.  The pre-requisite programs address the manufacturing site and operational practices. They must be documented and updated whenever changes to product or process occur and must be reviewed annually.

Why Implement GMPs in Your Business?

  • Reduce risks and liabilities in your business
  • To make first steps in training your production team about safe practices
  • To enhance food safety and comply with food safety laws and regulations
  • To prevent foodborne illness and recalls
  • To prevent foodborne injury
  • To prevent food spoilage
  • To standardize your process
  • To foster a food safety culture where employees are knowledgeable and accountable

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or (925) 807-5100.

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